Shrii Prabhat Raiṋjan Sarkar (1922-1990), also known by his spiritual name Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, is the founder of Ananda Marga, a voluntary socio-spiritual organisation running social projects and teaching meditation free of charge all over the world. As a spiritual and social preceptor, he expounded on deep philosophical topics and taught the way to attain the highest stance of spiritual realisation. Among his contributions is a science of mind with a synthesis of “the intuitional science of the Vedas” and Vidya Tantra resulting in the practical system of Sahaj Yoga. Throughout his life, he continued to evolve this science to serve the physical, psychic and spiritual needs of developed humanity. He added many new theoretical and practical dimensions to it, some of which are the philosophy of Neohumanism, the theory and practice of microvita, the science of all-round dynamic balance (Prama), the socio-economic Progressive Utilisation Theory (PROUT), and over 5000 song compositions called Prabhat Samgiit.
In 1982, Shrii Sarkar formulated the philosophy of neohumanism, extending the spirit of humanism to all:
“When the underlying spirit of humanism is extended to everything, animate and inanimate, in this universe – I have designated this as Neohumanism. This Neohumanism will elevate humanism to universalism, the cult of love for all created beings of this universe.” (Devotional Sentiment and Neohumanism, The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism, PR. Sarkar, Ananda Marga Publications (Kolkata 1982).