CNS-Sweden is pleased to host a gathering of educators, parents, students and youth to share diverse perspectives on “Transformative Learning and Higher Consciousness” from July 13-17th, 2023 at Gamla Skolan, Ydrefors, Sweden.
The get-together will allow experience of deep meditation. Among those leading the program will include Marilyn Mehlmann, Dadaji Shambhushivananda, Acharya Sadananda, Acharya Gunatmananda, Didi Anandabhadra, Didi Ananda Tapomaya, and many senior meditators.
Arrival July 13th, 2023
Departure July 17, 2023
Cost: 200 euros/ 2000 sek to cover food, lodging and ancillary expenses. The payments to be made to CNS-Sweden account at Vimmerby Sparbank, IBAN : SE35 8000 0840 1200 3569 4223 BIC: SWEDSESS . Preregistration deadline June 15, 2023.
Pay by card (Stripe safe payment)

Neohumanism is transformative, trans-disciplinary and transcendental. Global Transformation is about “individual and collective empowerment”; about “expanded awareness, positive attitudes and shifts in life style”; about societal renewal through “learning that transforms problematic frames of reference to make them more inclusive, discriminating, reflective, open and emotionally able to change.” The shifts in consciousness lies at the heart of permanent change in the way we see ourselves and the world in which we live and esp. our relation with the natural world. “It also involves our understanding of power relations in interlocking structures of class, race, and gender, our body awareness, our visions of alternative approaches to living, and our sense of possibilities for social justice, peace and personal joy.”
This conference is a path-breaking endeavor to improve our competency, delve into the realm of higher consciousness and inspire learning for change.
All welcome for a rejuvenation in Scandinavian summer.
The program will include panel discussions, meditation in the forest, uplifting classes, Prabhat Samgiita led by Shantanu, workshop led by Marilyn Mehalmann, and a lot more.