“The idea that some of us are inferior and some superior is illogical. Yet, we are socialized to associate our worth with how much money we make, our powers, status and privileges.” The full article is published in Neohumanist Review 4.
“Complexity science, or systems thinking, as it’s often called today, is a way of approaching the questions we ask and solutions we build rather than its own field of study.” The full article is published in Neohumanist Review 4.
Science researcher Frank Bovenkamp writes on Sounds and Colours of the Creation in Neohumanist Review 4.
Roar Bjonnes, author and co-founder of Systems Change Alliance, writes about rethinking climate change in systemic terms, in Neohumanist Review 4.
A brief take on Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar’s philosophy of neohumanism. More material on this philosophy.
In June 1984, the propounder of neohumanism, Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar, cautioned humanity strongly to adhere to ecology. Published in Neohumanist Review 1.