Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar Between the points of no magnitude there is a flow of cognition. In that fluidal flow of cognition, bubbles are created. These bubbles are the bubbles of ideas. In the Cosmic emanation of the Supreme, when these bubbles touch the unit “I”-feeling, then unit ideas are created as a result of…
News & Information
Two Reviews of Becoming One With the World, A Guide to Neohumanist Education, by Kathleen Kesson
(1) Beyond Humanism Paul Freedman In Kathleen Kesson’s extraordinary new volume, Becoming One With the World: A Guide to Neohumanist Education (2024), the author takes us on a beatific journey of discovery. The text spans great distances progressing step by step from the philosophical and pedagogical foundations of holistic consciousness theory to the contemporary practice…
Systems Thinking and Embracing the Plurality of Truths
Aaron Frank Abstract: Through uncovering and manipulating the patterns of nature, reductionist approaches have been remarkably effective in a variety of domains within science and engineering. Due to its success, the mechanistic sensibilities of this paradigm have extended beyond practical application and increasingly shape the cognitive frames which inform our ideas of truth about reality…
Towards a Deeper Understanding In Physics
Suresh Emre Abstract: As the scientific coverage of physics expanded, specialization became necessary for the professional physicist. This was amplified by the “publish or perish” culture in academia. Overspecialization lessens the chances of seeing connections between different areas of physics. Finding connections is key to a deeper understanding. This is relevant for the theories that…
The Sounds and Colours of Creation
Frank van den Bovenkamp ( Abstract: The term “Universe” conveys an inherent unity—a single, indivisible whole. The forces shaping the vast cosmos and the atom’s inner realms are interconnected, springing from a shared source. Yet energy alone cannot explain the harmony and beauty of creation; a guiding principle must imbue it with purpose and order….
A Deeper Presence
Beyond Humanism: A Review of Kathleen Kesson’s Becoming One with the World: A Guide to Neohumanist Education Paul Freedman In Kathleen Kesson’s extraordinary new volume, Becoming One with the World: A Guide to Neohumanist Education (2024), the author takes us on a beatific journey of discovery. The text spans great distances progressing step by step…
Global Education Conference
Bucharest 11-16 July, 2025
NR at APFN 2024
Dr. Shambhushivananda, the Editor-In-Chief of Neohumanist Review, delivered a session on “Authentic Futures: Crafting Conscious Pathways for the Asia-Pacific” at the 10th Asia Pacific Futures Network Conference held at SASIN Graduate School of Management, Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. Dr. Sohail Inayatullah, a celebrated futurist and NR Editorial Board member, emphasized the importance of acknowledging the…
From the Editor-In-Chief
We are happy to present the third issue of Neohumanist Review to our readers with quite a diversity. In this issue, authors from Mexico to Norway and from India to Birmingham have contributed neohumanist perspectives to complex problems plaguing our planet. A young physician, Dr. Rodrigo Bazúa Lobato, provides us an overview of the health…
The Five P Health Model
The Emerging Health Paradigm Dr. Sohail Inayatullah This policy brief was written as part of an international horizon scanning project for an international health organization. Other briefs include the end of meat, the anticipatory city, and the transition from GDP to Wellbeing. The purpose of this and similar briefs is to assist leaders in understanding the changing…