By Ac. Shambhushivananda Avt. Introduction When prehistoric humans separated from their nonhuman ancestors, they had not even the slightest inkling that one day their descendants would touch the stars, split the atom, discover the genetic codes that carry the secrets of life, communicate through a rich vocabulary, unravel the mysteries of the brain, or fathom…
News & Information
The New Age of Science and Spirituality
By Steven Richheimer Introduction Suppose a scientist wanted to test his theory that objects in the universe were connected by a hidden force or field of information that was not limited by space or time. To test this hypothesis he designed two identical roulette wheels with only black and red pockets that could be spun…
Technology, Universal Income, and the Watershed: A Case for Urgent Planetary Change
By Matt Oppenheim Introduction and Overview Many acknowledge that planet earth is over a precipice of decline due to several intertwining factors: frightening climate change and irreversible environmental damage; the massive diaspora of refugees of war and water; hyperinequalities between rich and poor and the unrelenting impact of many multinationals on the above. There is…
Beyond Nationalism: A Global Constitution to Unite an InterconnectedWorld
By Craig Runde Introduction At first blush, it may seem strange to have a chapter on global constitutional principles in a book on macroeconomics. In a traditional macroeconomics text, that might be true, but this book concerns a new macroeconomic model, which encompasses values that depend on reforms embodied in a new framework provided by…
Neohumanist Education for Peace
Keynote address at the international NHE Conference, Caracas, Venezuela, April 2014, by Dr. Shambhushivananda Looking back, about 8000 million years ago (mya), this Earth was only a blazing ball of fire; 4000 mya, it consisted of molten lava and volcanoes; 340 mya life existed only in water; 223 mya land appeared as Gondwanaland; 70 mya…
Neohumanist Philosophy
By Marcus Bussey Simple ideas are often the most powerful. This is certainly the case with Neohumanism. Rooted in the ancient yogic perception that all existence is bound together, that we are all interconnected, Neohumanism transcends a limited and deeply wounded humanism with an holistic reconceptualisation of what it is to be human. Neohumanism is…
A Trans-Disciplinary Approach
By Marcus Bussey Neohumanism honors the multiplicity that is the sum of human consciousness. This has important implications for the way classrooms can be structured and curricula constructed. Traditional education has involved an attempt to strip learning down to its discrete parts and demystify knowledge. Neohumanism seeks to put the mystery back into learning by…
Changing the Story: A Neohumanist Educational Philosophy for the Anthropocene
By Professor Kathleen Kesson When the underlying spirit of humanism is extended to everything, animate and inanimate, in this universe – I have designated this as Neohumanism. This Neohumanism will elevate humanism to universalism, the cult of love for all created beings of this universe. ~ P.R. Sarkar (1982) I am writing this article from…
Mind Phenomenon
Book review by G Padmanabhan, Honorary Professor, Department of Biochemistry, former Director Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru I have a deep interest in Advaidic Philosophy, although I cannot claim to be a practitioner. It enunciates the principle of Self as the ultimate. The Bhagavad Gita also projects intellect above the mind, and Self above the…
Tantra Re-Envisioned: The Two River Theory on the Origin of Yoga
Image above: Tantra diagram showing seed-sounds for control of the flow of forces in the subtle veins. Yadupati on Flickr By Ramesh Bjonnes Tantra has received increasing interest among scholars and the public in recent years. Its historical origins and practices, however, are not so well understood. Sometimes misinterpreted or misrepresented, traditional Tantra is often…