Neohumanist Review Editors
Climate challenges are complex issues. For example, why do droughts occur? Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar offers:*
“What are the most important causes of drought? There are three main causes. The first is the wanton destruction of plants or indiscriminate deforestation, the second is low pressure systems over oceans and big seas, and the third is sudden changes in the angular movement of the sun and other celestial bodies like comets, nebulae and galaxies.
The second and third causes are presently beyond human control. In the future, with the development of the meteorological and marine sciences, human beings will be able to partially influence and overcome the second cause, but not fully. The third cause can only be controlled by Supreme Consciousness. However, if human beings follow the path of positive microvita and have the grace of Supreme Consciousness, they can also control the third cause.
How do the sudden changes in the angular movement of celestial bodies cause drought? The paths of some comets are predetermined and astro-nomers can ascertain their arrival dates and possible effects on the earth, but there are other comets that appear suddenly without warning. When there is the sudden appearance of powerful celestial bodies or a sudden change in their angle of rotation, their gravitational pull may disturb the seasons and the natural order of creation. For example, as a result of the strong gravitational pull of a powerful comet or meteor, clouds may not be formed. This phenomenon is called bakudashá in Sanskrit.”
Thus, there is enormous scope for climatic research in numerous fields, while there are certain areas where we should take immediate action. First of all, we human beings have gone too far in destroying the Earth’s natural environment. Fortunately, we also have the potential to reme-dy, repair, and reconstruct our world according to ecological principles.
We need to conserve water better and double our surface water. We need to generate forests and plantations and not decimate them. Not the least, we need to evolve proper functional decentralised economic systems to serve the needs of all living beings that are not only for a few.
It is time we address the problems of ecological imbalances in holistic terms to remove the disparities in all walks of life. For this to occur. we need a universal philosophy that will unite and motivate us to move together in ever-new ways to bring about greater harmony and progress for all living beings.
* “Water Conservation”, Ideal Farming 2, Ananda Marga Publications.
Published in Neohumanist Review, Issue 2, March 2024, pp 18-19.
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